As a fan of the M1911 and a firearms enthusiast, this is an absolutely gorgeous replica. It can be field stripped like a real 1911 and has the same weight and feel, i recommend swapping out the plastic grips for real wood ones, makes it look incredibly real. I've had a bit of trouble with shot consistency when firing, but is most likely my choice in gels not being firm enough. The gun is semi-auto like the real thing and will put shots down range quite fast, the recoil is nice and the mag is actually much easier to load than the other AW pistols, especially since this one has a catch for the spring.
And for any interested, "ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ", Or, Molon Labe, is greek for Come and Take them, a quote from King Leonidas, when asked to lay down their weapons at the battle of Thermopylae. Overall, i couldn't be more happy with this gun, i highly recommend it as a faithful replica, and as a solid gun for the field. As long as you don't mind the classics, and the lack of attachment systems, it does have a threaded inner barrel, 12mm i believe, but that's it.